Due to concerns about how the Delta variant might be affecting unvaccinated children, the Bishop has suspended the Sunday Mass obligation for families with small children. The Clergy and the Faithful are urged to wear masks to Sunday Mass to protect our families.
Effective, PENTECOST, May 23, 2021 The following Safety Protocols have been relaxed for those who have been vaccinated. 1. Face masks and social distancing are no longer required at masses FOR ALL THOSE WHO HAVE BEEN VACCINATED. 2. We are now allowed to have a full choir and sing to our hearts content. 3. The faithful who prefer to receive the Eucharist on the tongue may now do so by approaching the priest. Thereafter, the priest will sanitize his fingers before administering the Eucharist to the next person. 4. Parish meetings and other events may now occur in our parish but the use of masks remains recommended. FOR THOSE WHO CANNOT RECEIVE THE VACCINE OR HAVE NOT RECEIVED IT YET: 1. We are designating the Sunday, 7 AM MASS, where the FULL SAFETY PROTOCOLS WILL BE IN PLACE (i.e. mandatory use of face masks, social distancing, the Eucharist given only by the hand.)
We wanted to let parishioners know who give online through Our Sunday Visitor that they will be receiving an email from OSV. The email will say “Welcome to the new OSV Giving”. This email will either come from “SS Peter & Paul Parish” or “OSV” and is legitimate. The email is simply letting parishioners know that OSV has upgraded its online giving platform and that website will look different. All current information and gift set up will remain the same and parishioners will not need to change anything for their gifts to continue.